Privileges Disclaimer

Sourabh Ghorpade
2 min readSep 28, 2020

Everything we think, say and do in life is affected in part by our privilege. So I feel that it is important to add disclaimers to my posts which call out my general privileges and privileges which might affect me in context of that post. I intend to do that in this post and link this in other posts.

I ask for your forgiveness if I have hurt you with any post or comment of mine. I will be better. If you could take some time to point out what I did wrong, I will improve faster. Thank you.

General Privileges

I’m a cis-het, upper-caste, neuro-typical, middle-class born male.

There is already a ton of privilege in that one sentence.

Specific Privileges

Social Media

I have a stable job which does not rely on my usage of social media hence I can literally afford to not use social media.

I’m not a part of a community whose voice and lives are oppressed, so social media is not the only place where my voice can be heard. A lot of minority communities, independent artists and many others depend on Instagram, Twitter and others to run their business or have their voices heard. That is because mainstream platforms do not give enough space to these voices. I understand that their choices with social media are limited due to that.

